Saturday, November 16, 2013


     Since its founding and before, the United States has been renowned as the land of opportunity where dreams, hopes, and aspirations could indeed become concrete and achievable realities.  Millions upon millions of immigrants from all over the world have proved this basic tenet down through the generations.  They came here with virtually nothing and within a relatively short time they and their progeny began moving up the economic ladder, improved their fiscal condition, and realized in their own fashion what’s been termed the “American Dream.”  The same has always been true for those who have been born in this country.  Of those, for example, who began life in the lowest quintile (the bottom 20%) only about 3% remained there permanently.  Upward mobility, a concept really not known or experienced by the vast majority of the planet’s population, became not just a reality in America but a reasonable and realistic expectation.

     Only in America could such a phrase as “workaholic” have been invented and applied to so many who took that term as a huge compliment and a source of pride.  Most of the rest of the world, by the way, thinks we’re absolutely nuts to take the concept of work so seriously.  According to them, we have simply not learned to stop and smell the roses or appreciate those “finer” things in life.  We’re in way too much of a hurry trying to accumulate that next “buck” and have over emphasized the material aspects of life at the expense of the more leisurely pursuits.  Too many accuse us of allowing our work to define who and what we are and claim that this has caused us to become overly crass, grasping, and materialistic.  We don’t know, they insist, how to be truly happy and satisfied but instead must ever strive to achieve more.  This may sound like envy or jealousy, but in some regards our critics are correct for work in many ways does indeed define us.

     It is not so much the specific job, career, or profession that define us but rather the very concept of work.  Most Americans throughout most of our history have had an absolute need to work and that includes the vast majority of folks who have accumulated sufficient wealth to enable them the luxury of sitting on their asses doing absolutely nothing should that be their choice.  As a people, however, that kind of option has been widely spurned and rejected because it is not productive and Americans have long been known for their astounding productivity.  Historically, we have been far more productive than any other nation in the industrialized, developed world.  We work longer hours and days and take far fewer vacations than our counterparts in other countries.  To work is to feel necessary and useful.  To work, regardless of the task, makes us feel important and valuable.  To work means we are active, contributing members of society rather than merely “hangers-on” or parasites living off the productive class.  To work is a main-line adrenalin boost and builds self-esteem and a positive outlook on life that can be matched by very little else.

     Work instills in us a very real and palpable sense of self-reliance, rugged individualism, and independence all of which throughout the years have become major building blocks and cornerstones of the American character and psyche.  To work means not having to depend on others for the necessities or luxuries of life however they may be defined.  To work instills a sense of pride that comes from the knowledge of being able to support and provide for loved ones without assistance from the community or the government.  To work is to be whole, to be fulfilled, to be satisfied.  To work is to be motivated to succeed and throughout the years no one has more appreciated success than Americans so long as it has been honestly and honorably earned.

     To work is to be admired by one’s peers, family, and others – especially the children who see fathers as examples to be followed and emulated.  To work means to develop habits and attitudes of reliability, punctuality, and trust.  To work means dependability, steadfastness, and even a sense of sacrifice and self-gratification delayed or denied.  To work is uplifting and builds character and instills a deep sense of morality for the concept and act of work is supremely moral.  To work fosters a sense of right and wrong and helps to keep most of us on that straight and narrow path that provides nations and societies a sense of boundaries and limits that should not be crossed.  To work helps instill a sense of honesty and integrity that carries over into the realm of family, friends, and acquaintances.  To work is to be both enabled and ennobled and to work means acting on what’s been deemed the “American Work Ethic” in order to achieve what has been famously termed the “American Dream.”

     The American Dream – now there’s a concept for you.  It’s a term we’re all familiar with and means different things to different people.  No matter how we as individuals choose to define it, the term is imbued with a sense of boundless optimism and hope for the future.  It is an overwhelmingly positive statement about what individuals can accomplish in this country and that the only real limits to success are those that are self-imposed.  It should be noted, by the way, that the idea of an American Dream is peculiarly and uniquely, well, American.  I’ve never heard of the English, Italian, or Russian dream.  I’ve never heard of a Chinese or Korean dream.  Sadly, the only images that come to mind when trying to conjure up a dream associated with Africa or the Middle East are horrific and gruesome nightmares.  No, it is a term and attitude that is uniquely American and is an essential feature of what has been correctly referred to as American Exceptionalism.

     One writer explains that the, “American Dream can be described as a belief in freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States of America to achieve their goals in life through hard work.  Today, in America it generally refers to the idea that one’s prosperity depends upon one’s own abilities and hard work, not on a rigid class structure.”  The author recognizes that the term does not mean exactly the same thing to all people.  He notes that for some, “it is the opportunity to achieve more prosperity than they could in their countries of origin,” while for others, “it is the opportunity for their children to grow up with an education and career opportunities.”  For still others, “it is the opportunity to be an individual without the constraints imposed by class, caste, race, or ethnicity(” Others define it simply as the, “notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual,” or as, “an American ideal of a happy and successful life to which all may aspire.”

     Realizing the American Dream, however, is not a given but rather involves a cost.  Simply to be born here or to travel to our shores is no guarantee.  The American dream cannot be realized unless it is tied to the concept of work.  Our streets are not and never have been paved with gold as one old myth used to claim.  Work – hard work – is and always has been the crucial element for achieving the Dream.  For those who fail or refuse to acknowledge this reality, the American Dream will remain an elusive even a mythical concept and through the centuries, Americans have come to understand that the concept of “something for nothing” produces only disappointment, failure, and bitterness.  Realizing the American Dream has always depended upon an American Work Ethic.  The Oxford Dictionary defines it as, “the principle that hard work is intrinsically virtuous or worthy of reward,” while the Collins American English Dictionary notes that it is, “a system of values In which central importance is ascribed to work, or purposeful activity, and to qualities of character believed to be promoted by work(www.collinsdictionary).  Yet another source notes that it constitutes, “a belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character(”

     For most of our history, the concepts of the Dream to be realized by the Ethic have been the staples of our success as a nation and a people.  They have helped make this country the wealthiest, most powerful, and most generous entity the planet has ever seen.  Tragically, that America seems to be rapidly coming to an end and both the American Work Ethic and the American Dream can be properly placed on the EPA’s endangered species list if not the fabled ash heap of history.  Make no mistake, for both are near to extinction in the second decade of the 21st Century.  The American Work Ethic has been under assault for many decades and it appears that those leading the charge can actually see their victory in sight and that prospect leaves them literally salivating.  Who are they?  Who are they that so loathe America as founded and presently constituted that they would gladly destroy it?

     “They” would be America’s Liberals who espouse the very destructive philosophy of Liberalism.  I have dubbed the leaders of this insidious movement as the LFE (Liberal Fucking Elite) and they spearhead the drive whose basic goal is to usher in the demise of the United States of America.  The modern era of Destructive Liberalism can be traced directly back to the 1960’s with LBJ’s Great Society and his bogus War on Poverty.  Every single Liberal policy and philosophy since that time has been nothing more than a frontal assault on cherished American traditions, values, and norms.  Every single program enacted by those enemies of America has been purposely designed to bring our country to its knees and to deny the fact that without the United States, the world would be in far worse shape than it is today.  Those saboteurs and their minions will never acknowledge the goodness that is America nor will they recognize that we have been throughout the years a beacon that has lit the way for countless millions of the oppressed and impoverished the world over.  To them, we represent nothing less than evil incarnate and an enemy that must be defeated and discarded to be replaced by the forces of statism, collectivism, and Socialism.

     Under Obama’s stewardship, we have seen the United States take on all of the visages of a Socialist State that provides cradle to grave everything with the recipients having to work no harder than to fill out the required government forms.  Are you hungry?  No problem.  Barry Boy and his Fellow Travelers will provide all the food stamps you require and if you’re one of the few who hasn’t heard of this program, the government runs television commercials urging as many as possible to sign up for the goodies.  Lost your job because of our evil and heartless Free Market Capitalist economic system?  Not to worry, just sign up for nearly two years of unemployment insurance.  Should that run out, SSDI is right there to pick up the slack! Don’t have a cell phone?  Go see Barry Boy and that problem is solved!  If you are deemed to be “poor”, congratulations!  We now have something like eighty federal programs, many of which are redundant, to provide the material necessities that you can’t seem to provide for yourself.  What a great country!!

     The problem with the above – and so much more – is that nowhere is the concept of working or earning what you have ever even hinted at.  When Gingrich and the rest of the Evil Republicans took over Congress back in the ‘90’s, they replaced the concept of welfare with a really radical idea called “Workfare.”  If you want the freebies, you had to prove that you were at least actively seeking employment.  Crazy, right!?  With one stroke of his “Entitlement Pen”, El Destructo destroyed that horrid concept and now once again all you have to do is stick out you hand and your demands are met.  It has been estimated that over 100,000,000 people in this country are currently on the receiving end of some form of unearned tax-payer largesse and that number is rising.

     This signals the death knell of the American Work Ethic and so too the American Dream, as historically defined.  That dream will be replaced by the utter nightmare of full-blown, unabashed Socialism which is exactly where the Liberals amongst us want our nation to go.  With the demise of our Work Ethic, so too comes the death of such uniquely American characteristics as rugged individualism, self-reliance, and an overwhelming attitude of optimism, hope for the future, and unlimited possibilities.  Because nature abhors a vacuum, these American values will be replaced by an overwhelming dependence on government for all of our wants and needs, an inability to provide for ourselves and our families, and a complete and utter lack of confidence regarding the future of the greatest nation God ever granted mankind!

     This attitude and mindset constitutes and aberrant and radical break with past traditions and values.  Since our nation’s inception, not working at some useful and productive occupation has been viewed as shameful, embarrassing, and un-American.  It was a rare occurrence and those who could or would not successfully support themselves and their families were seen as failures, losers, and free-loaders.  They could not carry their own weight and in most cases were ashamed and mortified by their inability to succeed at any level.  It was a horrifying embarrassment to have to ask for help, to beg with hat in hand.  To actually wind up in the Poor House (yes, they really did exist) was to stigmatize oneself.  To have to accept charity from the community or church was deemed shameful.  This sense of shame at receiving charity both undeserved and unearned also served as a powerful motivating force.  Folks back then did all they could as quickly as possible to better their condition for charity all those years ago was viewed as only temporary.  If someone had fallen on “hard times” the community understood and helped – for a while.  Hand-outs would be tolerated but only temporarily.  One was expected to find a job, learn a skill, start a business, or perhaps head out West where more and better opportunities might be found.  Charity was not considered permanent and anyone who didn’t understand that was viewed as anathema.

     This attitude is all but extinct in the United States today.  The concept of charity has been replaced by that of “Entitlement.”  Yes, literally tens upon tens of millions of us actually feel that they are somehow deserving or worthy of the fruits of another’s labor.  That, by the way, used to be called stealing and was against the law.  Welfare has now become so institutionalized and ingrained in our society that most Americans can’t conceive of the notion that no one deserves what they haven’t earned and this attitude grows ever more prevalent.  Depending on how we define the term, America is in its third or forth generation of welfare recipients.  Entire families from great grandma on down have known nothing but welfare and government hand-outs.  It’s become an intergenerational phenomenon and much to the nation’s detriment, it has become permanent.  Welfare recipients feel no guilt or shame anymore and to criticize them in any manner, shape, or form has been deemed the epitome of Political Incorrectness, bad taste, and a heartless insensitivity!

     A piece entitled the, “Socialist Work Ethic(,” relates the experience of an immigrant to America who came from a Communist country.  She, “was in awe at the long hours Americans worked, their dedication to the work place, productivity, personal responsibility for errors, much better remuneration based on merit, and pride in a job well done.”  The writer goes on to note that, “Unfortunately, things have changed in the 35 years since I arrived in the United States.  Half the population subscribes to a socialist welfare work ethic long forgotten.  Why try so hard to work when welfare, food stamps (EBT Cards), disability, out of wedlock babies, and 99 weeks of unemployment are so much more lucrative?”  She continues, “Let the other 50 percent of idiots go to work and earn distributive welfare income for the rest.  Government taxation and income redistribution are very generous.  All welfare recipients have to do is keep voting Democrat and the bonanza follows.”

     Unfortunately, the writer’s assessment of the American condition is spot-on accurate and it’s only getting worse.  Speaking of those who are habitually and chronically on the dole she posits that, “Surely they cannot believe that it is morally and socially just to steal from the labor of those who work and give it to those who prefer sloth.”  This is exactly and precisely the attitude of too many millions of present-day Americans and the Liberal Elites whom they blindly follow.  In today’s atmosphere of class envy, class warfare, and jealousy it is somehow believed that those in the productive class who have worked hard and succeeded have done so dishonestly and immorally.  They believe that somehow success has been achieved by stealing from the backs of the poor.  Does that concept even begin to make any sense at all?  The poor by definition have absolutely nothing to steal!

     The article continues, “Greece is a good example of the deliberate demise of a country caused by the depreciating work ethic.  Greece, once famous for its art, architecture, and military genius, is now famous for its social, political, and economic bankruptcy.”  This, tragically, is exactly what is happening in the United States and for those of you who can’t recognize this, it’s seriously time you removed your heads from your asses and looked around!  The article further notes that the, “socialist workers of Italy, Greece, or France are not giving up their life-long secured employment perks to adopt an American work ethic of responsibility, accountability, and decency,” but instead, “Americans are adopting by the millions the socialist work ethic.”

     Author Dr. LLeana Johnson Paugh concludes that, “The American work ethic, based on values of hard work and diligence, has enhanced the moral character of millions.  Americans with a strong work ethic are reliable, entrepreneurial, take initiative, and always pursue new skills and ventures.”  She notes, however, that, “a degradation of the moral character has resulted in a diminished work ethic.  The entitlement mentality . . . has driven more nails into the work ethic coffin, promoting the European socialist mindset and a dubious ethic, alien to our American values.  Our anemic economic recovery is a result of this mentality.”  Unfortunately, her assessment is not only accurate but is indeed prophetic.  There are people out there who are not working and have absolutely no intention of doing so.  They have stopped actively seeking employment and either will not or cannot develop the education and skills necessary to allow them to become part of an ever-dwindling productive class of citizens.  It has been estimated that something like 91,000,000 Americans are no longer part of the work force.  They no longer participate.  They have dropped out.

     This used to be unthinkable – unimaginable.  Years ago, it literally meant an inability to feed, clothe, and house yourself and those who depended upon you.  It guaranteed regular visits to the soup or bread line and homelessness or life in a shelter was virtually inevitable.  Years ago, poverty was a feared and dreaded thing to be avoided at any and all costs.  Well, not so anymore.  If you analyze the conditions of the “poor” in America, they would be envied by most of the world’s population.  Almost everyone from nations like Bangladesh, China, India, or anywhere in the so-called “third world” would love to live even nearly as well as do the poor in the United States.

     Most “poor” households in America are safe and built to code.  Indoor plumbing with working flush toilets and hot and cold safe running water are the absolute norm.  You will also notice showers and baths, dependable electricity, fully stocked refrigerators and freezers, and a working stove/oven.  Hell, most of the world’s population can’t come close to this level of affluence and luxury!  You will also see at least one and probably two late model flat screen television sets hooked into a cable or dish network system.  Computers, both desk and laptops, abound.  “Poor” folks who live in the suburbs are almost certain to have an automobile which is usually gassed up and serviceable.  Cell phones are everywhere, iPhones are ubiquitous, and full-fledged entertainment systems are more than common.  Does this sound much like traditional poverty to you?  Yeah, me either.  How is it possible for so many of tens of millions of unemployed folks to live so well?  You got it, Skippy – Liberalism.  That philosophy promotes utter and complete dependence and completely destroys the ability or desire to fend for oneself.

     An article entitled, “5 Reasons America Is In Decline(,” notes that our early, “settlers and prospectors had no other choice but to work hard because they didn’t have the option of turning an exorbitant social safety net into a hammock.”  Author John Hawkins explains that the, “more government does, the less reason there is for a man to take care of himself.  When the government takes on the role of the father with welfare and food stamps, pays workers for being unemployed, pays for retirements, pays for people’s medical care, and pays for charity, a significant percentage of people see no need to continue to do these things for themselves.”  Hawkins continues that the, “more Americans turn into dependent sheep that need big daddy government to take care of them, the worse off the country is, but the better off it makes the politicians.”

     Have you noticed that dependent sheep have absolutely no work ethic whatsoever but are perfectly happy to sponge off of those who still do?  The piece concludes that, “This country is not doomed to continue to slide down the back side of the mountain, but unless we start to seriously address our weaknesses, future generations will grow up in a place where their grandparents will have to tell them what it was like when America was a great nation to call home.”  Mr. Hawkins seems to believe that our nation is not yet doomed.  I and many others, however, believe that a vanishing work ethic can mean nothing else than the destruction of the United States as historically founded and presently constituted.  Until the tide of Liberalism is turned back by those with a love of country and a mere modicum of common sense, our nation’s prospects are indeed dim.

     Unfortunately, I see very little if any evidence that Liberalism is in decline.  Many of us believed that after the 2010 mid-term elections, a light at the end of that very long tunnel was visible if one looked hard enough.  The Anointed One’s reelection a mere two years later, however, gave the lie to that bit of wishful thinking.  At his very, core Obama despises this nation and all that it stands for and is bound and determined to destroy it and turn it into something it was never intended to be – another failed Socialist state.  There is no better or effective way to do this than to destroy the concept and reality of the American Work Ethic.  A piece entitled, “Work Ethic, the Welfare State and the Income Gap(,” notes that, “the erosion of the work ethic has been most acute among those raised in the multi-generational culture of poverty, e.g. a culture of welfare dependence.  Insofar as the lowest income Americans regard financial support from the government as a right and entitlement, they feel less motivated to make the sacrifices needed to acquire an education, work hard and find better jobs and make more money.”  This, folks, is key to understanding Liberalism and our current President.  It quite purposely and intentionally robs the individual of any incentives to work hard and be productive.  Once enough Americans adopt attitudes and behaviors of sloth, laziness, and turpitude the Work Ethic will come to a crashing and crushing halt, shattered beyond redemption, and our enemies will have succeeded in bringing the United States to its knees!

     A piece entitled, “B.S. Report Election Analysis:  Obama Voters Reject America’s Work Ethic and Individual Responsibility(,” notes that Obama and his Lemmings have succeeded in turning the United States on its head.  The article notes that the, “Founding American principles of hard work, individual responsibility, private property rights and free market economics have all been repudiated. . . .”  Additionally, “Voters signed onto Obama’s class warfare message:  a government green light to hold anyone but themselves responsible for any tough breaks that life meets out.  Obama’s government ‘self-esteem’ program encourages people to blame others for their own lack of economic success – regardless of the amount of time, effort or initiative put forth.” Obama and his allies in the LFE couldn’t be more pleased at the results of their purposely destructive plans and policies because it means that they are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.

     The destruction of the American Work Ethic can mean nothing less than the destruction of the country and all that it stands for and represents.  Our Socialist-in-Chief and his sycophants on the Far Left have been working to that end for decades and it appears that they have finally succeeded!!

Much Luv Y’All and Have a Great Day!

The Fifth Horsemen (Dr. David M. Rich, Ph.D.)









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